রবিবার, জানুয়ারী ১৯, ২০২৫
UNDP-BIGD engages youth in discussing the global Human Development 
UNDP-BIGD engages youth in discussing the global Human Development 

UNDP-BIGD engages youth in discussing the global Human Development 

repotr of Pratisiddha
প্রকাশের সময় : October 18, 2022 | গণমানুষের কথা

Dangerous planetary pressures, sweeping societal transformation, and increased polarization are the three sources of uncertainty mentioned in the Human Development Report (HDR) 2022 that are compounding to cause stress and anxiety at an unprecedented level. This has strong consequences for generation Z i.e., the changemakers of tomorrow, especially in a country like Bangladesh which continues to face the brunt of more persistent threats like climate change.
These were the key messages highlighted during a discussion seminar on this year’s global Human Development Report at the BRAC University, jointly organized by UNDP Bangladesh and the BRAC Institute for Governance and Development (BIGD). The seminar titled “Engaging Youth in Shaping Bangladesh’s Future in a Transforming World” was attended by a room full of youth from different universities and the organizing institutions. The seminar was designed to engage young minds and hear their perspectives on the implications of the issues highlighted in this year’s report in the context of Bangladesh. 
Dr Imran Matin, Executive Director, BIGD moderated the discussion and set the context of the seminar, “This discussion seminar is a way of understanding the perspectives of youths and how their lives are impacted by uncertainty revolving around climate change, youth employment, mental well-being, skill development, inequality, polarized societies.”
During the opening session, Stefan Liller, Resident Representative of UNDP Bangladesh, remarked“the future depends on the choices we make about our lives, the people and beings around us and the overall environment. Youth perspectives, energy and meaningful participation is what will help secure a more inclusive, peaceful, and prosperous future for all in Bangladesh”. 
A panel discussion followed covering three broad themes. DrRohini Kamal, Assistant Professor and Research Fellow, BIGD as a panelist discussing the theme Planetary dangers and resultant uncertaintiesremarked “Policy makers must amplify voices of those most impacted by climate change. Local ownership and solutions can work wonders in tackling uncertainties posed by climate change”. 
DrNazneen Ahmed, Country Economist, UNDP Bangladesh, in her reflections on the theme Polarized societies and implications for decision making for all opined “There will be differences in views, but we need to respect these differences through education, recognition, and representation. 
The panel discussion was followed by very engaging reflections fromthe youthdiscussants. Among them, TazreanAlam, a student of IUB said “Young people can engage more effectively at the community and grassroots level to find local solutions and subsequently combat climate change”.Labby Ahsan, President, BRAC University Research for Development Club and GolamMostafaShuvo, Advocacy Lead, Youth Policy Forum also added their remarks.